Common Cold: Causes, Symptoms & Tips to Help Shorten the Duration

By: RandyYoumans

Colds usually present themselves with symptoms such as runny nose, nasal congestion and sneezing, though other possible manifestations include coughing, sore throats headaches or any number of other indicators. understands the significance of health to individuals and the difficulties that can come with navigating complex medical systems, so they aim to provide users with an accessible platform on which they can quickly and efficiently find information they require – whether that be Common Cold Symptoms recommendations from us, options for treatment or tips on maintaining an active lifestyle – everything you could ever need can be found right here!

People generally assume that when their nose begins to run and their throat becomes scratchy, they’re suffering from an illness called a cold. Unfortunately, though, common colds are quite widespread and many experience at least three or more in an entire year. Colds are caused by viruses which infiltrate the nose. Common symptoms of colds include sneezing, nasal stuffiness and runny nose; additional indications could include temperature spikes of 100? or 101? F, scratchy throat sensation or slight scratching or tickling sensation in back throat area. However, you should know that symptoms for colds vary significantly, with scratchy throat backs being the first indication. After several days, however, discharge from your nose begins to change from clear and yellowish-greenish hues into darker and greener tones over one week’s time – when all is said and done you should have made a full recovery! When treating an illness such as this with rest and fluids you should find relief faster than ever!

Drinking plenty of water, juice and clear broth is an effective way to replenish fluid loss caused by illness such as fever. Chicken soup can also provide great relief and ease congestion; therefore making this an excellent food option. OTC cough and cold remedies may help adults reduce symptoms, but are unable to address the virus responsible. Unfortunately, as of now there’s no known cure for common cold.

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ALSO, when giving children under 6 years old any medicine for colds, or antibiotics for that matter, they should never be given as they will only add further complications and could potentially have harmful side-effects. Should you take medications on a regular basis, they could compromise your body’s ability to utilize them when you really need them – for example if you get influenza. Hydration and rest are the two best remedies to manage symptoms associated with colds. In most cases, cold symptoms usually vanish within one week; if symptoms continue beyond that point or any symptoms flare up again visit your physician to see if you might have allergies, sinusitis, or another medical issue that needs treating.


It is commonly referred to as the common cold for good reason. Each year in the US alone it is estimated that over one billion colds occur, impacting your children and you. Colds are one of the primary reasons children don’t attend school as expected while parents must miss work due to illness – many get them from their kids!

Children are particularly prone to contracting colds each year. Most commonly they pick them up from other children at daycares and schools; the virus often appears during winter and rainy seasons.

Cold viruses spread via tiny airborne droplets released when someone with the illness coughs, sneezes or blows their nose.

You can catch a cold if:

An illness such as colds can make people cough, sneeze and spit at you.

Your eyes, nose or mouth after coming into contact with something infected by the virus – such as toys or doorknobs – is especially susceptible.

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People are most prone to infection in the first two or three days after contracting an illness; most colds typically cease spreading after the initial week has passed.


The first signs of cold usually appear two to three days after being exposed to viruses; they could persist up to one week. Most often affected is the nose.

The most common cold symptoms are:

  • Nasal congestion
  • Runny nose
  • Scratchy throat
  • Sneezing

Adults and older children suffering from colds typically experience either a mild fever, or none at all. Young children usually develop temperatures from 100F up to 102F (37.7C to 38C).

Depending on which virus caused your cold, you may also have:

  • Cough
  • Decreased appetite
  • Headache
  • Muscle aches
  • Postnasal drip
  • Sore throat


Take your time resting and drinking plenty of fluids, as well as taking OTC (over-the-counter) cough and cold medicines can provide temporary relief for adults as well as older children, but they won’t make your cold go away faster; rather they may help you get better faster. These OTC drugs should only be given to children over age 4. However, antibiotics shouldn’t be used as treatment; many alternative therapies such as zinc supplements, vitamin C and Echinacea may work more effectively against colds – be sure to consult with your physician prior to trying any herbal remedies or supplements!

Common is an appropriate word to describe colds due to their prevalence: children have 3-8 colds yearly while adults can get as many. I’m Dr. Alan Greene and would like to offer some tips for getting through pharmacy aisles for cold and flu remedies; many offer relief in different forms: decongestants can be helpful in relieving nasal congestion while antihistamines could assist sleeping or help ease congestion; there may even be anti-cough medications to alleviate coughs!

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Expectorants can help increase the effectiveness of your cough to make getting rid of unwanted material easier, as well as ease pain management with drugs like Ibuprofen and acetaminophen. Multiple users typically utilize more than one ingredient; so if taking multiple ones it would be wise to check each bottle’s list of ingredients as doing this could compromise efficacy.

As an example, if pseudoephedrine appears on two lists, double dosing will not provide additional benefits or have any impactful side effects. Furthermore, you shouldn’t expect the same effect in two multisymptom situations; therefore if one person takes decongestants they shouldn’t also take any other type that contains decongestants for another symptom; similarly if children under 6 take decongestants antihistamines and cough suppressants they have yet been proven any more effective than placebo and could potentially have side effects; therefore I wouldn’t advise their use as recommended treatment options for them or their parents/caregivers.